Mission Statement
Shiawassee County Road Commission employees provide quality and innovative services as we ensure that the roads in Shiawassee County are reasonably safe for public travel. We will seek continuous improvements in quality and service to our customer, the residents of Shiawassee County and the traveling public.
The Shiawassee County Road Commission office is located at:
701 West Corunna AvenueCorunna, MI 48817-1229
Summer Hours (Second full week in April until the first full week in October):
Monday-Thursday 6:00 am to 4:00 pm
Winter Hours (First full week in October until the second full week in April):
Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
(If you have a comment or complaint that is time-sensitive, please phone the road commission. Email is checked daily during our regular business hours.)
A thought to ponder
Here at Shiawassee County Road Commission, our vision is clear. As employees and as residents, safety is our number one priority. Our team of employees takes great pride in maintaining Shiawassee County’s roads. We strive to provide safe, clear roadways, making sure road projects are completed to correct specifications, and responding to our resident’s needs, is exactly why we do what we do. Our Commissioners and staff care about your safety and concerns! Please utilize the button on the home page if there is any issues you want to report.
Did you know?
County Road Commissions are funded directly by the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) which is our state gas tax and license plate fees. We also receive a portion of the state marijuana tax. MTF is distributed based upon a percentage to Road Commissions, MDOT, cities and villages. The 83 County Road Commissions receive 39.10% of these funds monthly, based upon population and miles of road. 39.10% is allocated to MDOT (Michigan Department of Transportation), with the remaining funds going to cities and villages. Presently, the Shiawassee County Road Commission is responsible for maintaining 1,378.84 miles of road with 108 bridges. Of these 1,378.84 miles, 482.07 miles are county gravel roads; 614.77 miles are county hard surfaced roads; and 282 miles are state trunklines (MDOT) which the Road Commission maintains in our county. The Road Commission receives over 2 million dollars in contributions each year from the 16 townships for road improvement projects.